Conservatory Glare Reduction
When your conservatory becomes too hot it’s time to call Devon Window Tinting for a conservatory window film. For glass conservatory roofs or side windows we stock a wide range of reflective and non reflective window films which can provide up to 80% total solar heat rejection and up to 93% glare reduction.
CoolKote is a metallized PVC film that is designed to reduce solar gain and glare by reflecting and absorbing the sun’s infra red rays. It can be applied to Polycarbonate, such as twin wall, and other plastic substrates that can withstand temperatures of up to 100°C.
The Titan neutral dual reflective window film gives high performance and added value, combining privacy with excellent interior visibility both day and night, cutting glare by up to 93%. OptiTune films combine high solar energy rejection with low internal reflectance, its warm neutral interior is ideal for residential and commercial installations.
Our spectrally selective range of conservatory window tinting films Argent and e-Lite 70 effectively reduce solar heat gain while retaining high levels of daylight and preserving the natural appearance of the glass.
Conservatory Window Tinting
- For use on polycarbonate and glass
- Ultra-violet barrier helps prevent fading and sun damage to furnishings
- Reduces glare to improve your comfort
- High performance metallized PVC coating for roofs and roof lights
- Less expensive and more effective than blinds
- Clean and quick installation with minimum disruption and no maintenance
- Up to 12 years warranty